Take into account that the GeForce GTX 470 sells for ~$50 more ( $350) and the choice becomes quite obvious. Even when the GeForce GTX 470 hit the lead when playing Metro 2033 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat it was by a small 1-2 fps margin on average. The Radeon HD 5850 was without a doubt the superior performer in our testing, washing away the GeForce GTX 470 in all but two games. Radeon HD 5850 comparison can be summed up much more easily. At 1920x1200 we feel Tessellation is better off disabled in order to achieve smooth gameplay and doing so still leaves the GeForce GTX 480 on top for this game. The GeForce GTX 480 was on average 5fps faster in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat with Tessellation enabled, while on Just Cause 2 we saw a similar trend taking the lead by a comfortable margin in both average and minimum fps*.įinally, the GeForce GTX 480 dominated Metro 2033 by a 7fps margin with Tessellation enabled, though with an average of 28fps and a minimum of just 21fps this was a hollow victory. The biggest performance margins where playable performance was still obtained were seen when testing with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat and Just Cause 2. On the latter GeForce boards tend to perform better than the Radeon boards. Later on we observed this radical change came from the maxed-out 'Enthusiast' setting we used for this article, compared to the 'High' setting used previously. The GeForce GTX 480 was just ~3fps faster when measuring both the minimum and average frame rates, which is considerably less than what we observed last time using a time demo. Another surprising set of results were found when testing with Crysis Warhead. Games such as Battlefield Bad Company 2, Resident Evil 5 and Wolfenstein showed almost no difference in performance between the two higher-end cards, generally favoring the GeForce but by slim margins. For the most part the GeForce GTX 480 and Radeon HD 5870 delivered similar results which again was a little surprising. Of course, we have changed our testing methodology for this article by using FRAPS to measure performance, while the focus was more on real-time gameplay instead of time demos. This was not to be as the margins appear to have been reduced instead.
Now with newer drivers we were expecting this margin to open up a little, further favoring the Nvidia graphics card. Radeon HD 5870 comparison certainly didn't turn out as we were expecting, especially given what we had already seen in our original comparison, where the GeForce GTX 480 was on average 16% faster. A few new games were included such as Metro 2033, Just Cause 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2, while some older yet still significant games for measuring graphics card performance were included like Crysis Warhead and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Although we tested these high-end graphics cards with only seven games we feel it was a solid and representative line up.